Tuesday 1 July 2014

Sharp Introduces Free Form Display Screens That Open Up New Possibilities

Are you not bored by the shapes of the current gadgets? They are so boxy and we are glad that this conventional shape is about to be changed by Sharp, who has recently made a technological breakthrough which will allow it to manufacture LCD screens in different shapes. The company has termed this technology as ‘Free-Form Display’ and it differs from the conventional LCD screen owing to how the circuits are organized on the LCD.
Sharp defines it as; ‘Conventional displays are rectangular because they require a minimal width for the bezel in order to accommodate the drive circuit, called the gate driver, around the perimeter of the screen’s display area. With the Free-Form Display, the gate driver’s function is dispersed throughout the pixels on the display area. This allows the bezel to be shrunk considerably, and it gives the freedom to design the LCD to match whatever shape the display area of the screen needs to be.’